Cloud and Cloud-Native
We will gladly take the opportunity to show you what benefits Cloud computing has to offer for your company. We will advise you on the best ways to help you achieve your goals on your Cloud-Native journey.
We will gladly take the opportunity to show you what benefits Cloud computing has to offer for your company. We will advise you on the best ways to help you achieve your goals on your Cloud-Native journey.
We specialize in Linux based mission critical environments. We have extended knowledge in Red Hat, Ubuntu and Debian Linux distributions and a variety of legacy Unix operating systems.
A CI/CD Pipeline implementation is the backbone of the modern DevOps environment. It bridges the gap between development and operations teams by automating the building, testing, and deployment of applications.
Having and maintaining an overview of your IT infrastructure is continually becoming more complex. This is a task for which Nondual IT is ideally equipped. We will gladly take over this task in order to enable you to focus on your core business.
The IT world is ever changing and new developments can cause your current IT environment to become outdated. Nondual IT can assist with installing, configuring and the renewal of your IT environment. We can also fulfil an advisory role if needed.
Nondual IT can help you reach an oversight and can support you in order to make the right decisions. We are critical and offer clear and concise advice, tailored to your budget and company goals.
Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they
realize it themselves.
I love to automate everything…
AWS Certified Architect and RHCE-certified engineer with over 20 years of experience. Enthusiastic DevOps engineer and owner of Nondual IT and Nondual DiZain. Specialized in Linux, heterogeneous environments, cloud infrastructure, websites, databases, and CI/CD environments.
Contributed to the design and development of GOPACS, the first congestion-solving application in the Netherlands that supports the electricity grid during the energy transition. Gained experience in complex IT projects in the Netherlands, with extensive expertise in the banking and financial sector, including payment systems. Practical knowledge includes roles such as technical manager, ITIL coordinator, and product owner.
Dedicated specialist with a high level of commitment, always ready for new challenges. Do you have a challenge in your organization? Contact Nondual IT through LinkedIn for more details.
Robben Riksen - Product Manager at GOPACS
Carlos Monasterios - Managing Director at POLC B.V.
Stefan Schagen - Delivery Manager Payments OPF | Rabobank IT Systems
Ivo Breeden - Technical Application Engineer bij Rabobank ICT
Nuriel Shem-Tov - Former Linux Engineer NXS
Peter Vader - Former Teamlead Unix/Linux Ten ICT
Dennis N. van der Mijden - Former Teamlead KBC Clearing N.V.
Ad Marjenburgh - Former Teamlead Linux/Unix Ultimum
Jos Tijssen - Teamlead Unix IBM/ABN AMRO